Community engagement through Pop-Up Kitchen

Daylesford Church is continuing to undertake community engagement in this time of Coronavirus despite having to shut down their Pop-Up Café which was frequented primarily by locals.

Last year the Daylesford community church innovated with an idea that although there were numerous cafés in the main street, there were primarily frequented by the influx of tourists who flood the town weekends and weekdays. The church Pop-Up has been a bonus for locals who have enjoyed the heritage listed ambience of a local initiative.

With the adherence to social isolation, Daylesford have adapted to this situation by running a Pop-Up Kitchen each week serving free hot takeaway soup. The congregation are very excited to be offering this community support in times when people are experiencing financial hardship and tourism is diminished. Elaine Anderson, an initiator of this community engagement has said that the community response has already been “fabulous.”

Locals just need to order via a link on the church’s website.

“I think we will see our God do extraordinary things in these extraordinary times,” she says.

They are also moving forward with their children’s art/ learning centre and cafe downstairs (underneath their existing building) and this is with planning and building right now.

This is one example of a regional church moving forward in times of contraction, and still able to imagine and engage with their local community.

BUV Devotion series – Church, Remember Who You Are

Church Remember Who You Are

Part 1: The Church In An Unfamiliar World by Rev David Devine
Part 2: God's Flock by Rev Mark Wilkinson
Part 3: The Temple of God by Rev Marc Chan
Part 4: Family of God by Rev Meewon Yang
Part 5: God's Field by Christine Wanstall
Part 6: Golden Lampstand by Peter Botross


BUV Devotion Part 7

Remember Who You Are: Bride of Christ

by Vicky Dyer

I remember about 10 minutes before my own wedding ceremony was to commence I was suddenly terrified. I grabbed my father’s hand, partly to receive comfort and encouragement, and partly so I couldn’t run away!  I was about to publicly declare some life-long promises and was afraid of falling short of those high standards.  I was nervous because I know that I as the bride, as well as the bridegroom, are human and therefore imperfect; we would each make mistakes and need to ask for forgiveness.  However, I was not overcome by fear because I know that God is perfect.  Because of God’s promises throughout the Bible, His character, and Jesus’ sacrificial death, I know that despite my imperfections I (as an individual), and all of us (as a group of believers) can be reconciled to God and to one another.

In the New Testament the Bride of Christ is a prominent symbol, and has been used as a metaphor for God’s people; with Christ referred to as the Bridegroom (Mark 2:19; Luke 5:34, Matthew 25:1-13).  Through this image, Jesus is revealed to be faithful, loving, and committed to a covenant union with his church.  However, the covenant relationship is not one way or passive.  Paul explains to the church at Corinth that he is actively and deliberately preparing them to be joined to one husband, Christ, so that he might ‘present [them] as a pure virgin to Him’ (2 Cor 11:2-3).  This choice of words illustrates his desire for a holy lifestyle among believers, most importantly, for the Corinthians to remain faithful to Christ and His gospel (1 Cor 15:1-4).

Nearly 2000 years later the Church, as a community of believers, remains betrothed (or engaged) to Christ.  This means that while we can know Jesus personally now, we are kept physically separated from Jesus; and we should be actively preparing for being reunited in a heavenly wedding (1 Peter 1:13-16; Rev 19:7-9).

In one well known passage (Ephesians 5:22-33), Paul compares the union of husband and wife to that of Christ and the church. Paul noted that husbands should love and nurture their wives as their own bodies (v28), as an analogy for Christ’s care of the church (including both spiritual and physical needs).

Paul’s emphasis throughout Ephesians, is of reconciliation to God, of unity within the church and ultimately about love (Eph 2:11-2; 4:2-6)!  All believers (including husbands and wives) are called to imitate Christ, who gave himself up for them out of love (Eph 5:1-2).  Paul’s concern is not simply to dictate household roles and interactions, but to demonstrate to the churches how they should live while waiting for Christ’s return – that their daily lives might demonstrate God’s sacrificial, overwhelming, life-changing love (5:3-5, 22-33; 6:1-8). 

Throughout past seven week series, we have reflected upon different images used in the Bible to describe what the church is called to be. The Biblical authors use many analogies not to cause confusion, but to illustrate this covenant relationship in a variety ways which their audiences could readily understand, regardless of their background.  It is no more essential for me to be a bride, than it is for me to be a golden lampstand (Rev 1:12), in order to understand the richness this image can bring for us.

This image evokes for me a sense of joy, because while I know my local church, and all of Christendom, will fall short in our attempts to follow’s Paul’s exhortation to live a holy life,  I have absolute confidence that the church will be loved, forgiven, cherished and provided for unconditionally.  Sadly, many people have experienced the significant pain of marriage and other relationship breakdown. Humanity longs for the intimacy described between the church (bride) and Jesus (bridegroom) (John 3:29) but may not have experienced it or understand how it is possible to attain.  God’s plan is for all believers to understand who they are and where they fit in His plan.  For this reason it is essential that the church realise its value is in relation to Christ; that as His bride we are forever joined to Him and can have confidence that we will be presented ‘holy and blameless’ to God, through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross (Eph 5:25-27).  Then, the church can be confident to call out “Come, Lord Jesus” (Rev 22:20).

Some questions for personal and/or group reflection

1. Spend a few minutes quietly reflecting on the image of the Church as the Bride of Christ.

2. The Church today is made of diverse individuals, and currently we are not able to freely meet together.  How can we reflect our identity as the Bride of Christ, especially during this period of disruption? 

3. Are there any ways which you sense God could use you (as an individual), or your church/missional community, to promote and cultivate reconciliation to God and unity between believers?

I hope you find this devotion and the reflection questions useful. This is the conclusion of the devotion series.  

Vicky Dyer

BUV Church Health Consultant

BUV Devotion series – Church, Remember Who You Are

Church Remember Who You Are


This week, we kick off a new Devotion series prepared by members of the BUV Support Hub’s Church Health and Capacity Building Team, looking at how the church can remain true to its biblical identity and calling during this period of disruption. Over seven weeks, we will look at seven different images used in the bible to describe what the church is called to be  – Body of Christ, God’s flock,  Temple of God , Family of God, God’s field, Golden lampstand and the Bride of Christ.  We have included some questions also – these can be used in a small group setting as discussion starters or for personal reflection. We pray this devotion series will be a blessing to you and your church.

BUV Devotion Part 1/7

Remember Who You Are: The Church In An Unfamiliar World

by Rev David Devine

In my early 20s I was given a wonderful opportunity to travel and study overseas for five months. As I was departing to venture into a world of new challenges, opportunities and temptations beyond the secure familiarities of home, my dad offered me some wise advice: “Remember who you are.” It was a call to remain true to my heritage, beliefs and values – to still be `David Devine’ wherever I was.


Today the disruption caused by COVID-19 has cast us all into a different world beyond many of the secure familiarities of life as we have known it. This presents challenges, opportunities and temptations for individuals, families, nations – and churches. As churches venture into this disrupted world, it is good for us to remember who we are – remaining true to our identity, beliefs and values as we seek to continue living faithfully and fruitfully with God – still being the Church in our new contexts.


To encourage us in this, over coming weeks, members of the BUV’s Church Health & Capacity Building Team will offer short reflections on some biblical images of the Church.


Over the past 40 years or so, the most popular image of the Church has been: the Body of Christ (Rom 12:3-8; 1Cor 12:12-27; Eph 3:6, 5:21-33; Col 1:18, 24). This reminds us that the Church is not merely a social organisation; but an organic community in which we live and serve in relationship with Christ and one another. These relationships must remain central for us if we are to be the Church.


If the Apostle Paul was writing to Aussie Christians rather than Ephesians or Colossians, he might remind us that we are not to `run around like headless chooks’, reacting to our internal impulses or the latest sensation. The Body has a Head. The Church is to seek and follow the mind of Christ and to grow up into him – being shaped by the one who gives us life – becoming increasingly like him, not just individually, but in our life together. In a world disrupted by COVID-19, the Church is still to be directed by Christ.


Though isolated in our homes, we find ourselves immersed in an ocean of information – podcasts, videos, blogs, memes, webinars, breaking news. There’s an endless flow of ideas, facts and fluff that drives us to distraction and confusion – tossed back and forth by waves of fashion; blown here and there by every wind of opinion. In the face of this, let us remember that we are the Body of Christ. Let us give time to prayerfully listen to our Head and follow his lead, responding to the challenges and opportunities before us in ways that reflect and honour Christ.


Paul uses the Body image to remind us that following Christ’s lead is not a solo pursuit – we are in it together. In this time of social isolation, let us remember that through relationship with Christ, we are connected to one another. We belong to one body. The Church is diverse in ethnicity, social status, gender, and so on, yet united in Christ. We have different capacities to contribute, but we are all called to do what we can to love others and honour God.


In these days of isolation, let us keep pursuing ways to connect with one another, including reaching out to those who may be overlooked by others. Let us seek ways to use our God-given capacities to serve one another, sharing the love and truth of Christ. Let us remember and be true to who we are. We are the Body of Christ.


Questions for Personal and Group Reflection

1. What personal and congregational activities do you and your church have in place to foster relationship with God?

2. How does your church seek to discern the mind of Christ together?

3. How are you and your church acting to maintain contact with members of the body during these weeks of physical separation?

4. How does your church help people to discover what they are good at and empower them so that ministry is done by the many rather than the few? What are your gifts and how are you using them during this time?


Rev David Devine

Head of Church Health & Capacity Building


Source: BUV News

CHURCH – Remember Who You Are Devotion Series

Church Remember Who You Are

BUV Devotion Part 1/7

Remember Who You Are: The Church In An Unfamiliar World

by Rev David Devine

In my early 20s I was given a wonderful opportunity to travel and study overseas for five months. As I was departing to venture into a world of new challenges, opportunities and temptations beyond the secure familiarities of home, my dad offered me some wise advice: “Remember who you are.” It was a call to remain true to my heritage, beliefs and values – to still be `David Devine’ wherever I was.


Today the disruption caused by COVID-19 has cast us all into a different world beyond many of the secure familiarities of life as we have known it. This presents challenges, opportunities and temptations for individuals, families, nations – and churches. As churches venture into this disrupted world, it is good for us to remember who we are – remaining true to our identity, beliefs and values as we seek to continue living faithfully and fruitfully with God – still being the Church in our new contexts.


To encourage us in this, over coming weeks, members of the BUV’s Church Health & Capacity Building Team will offer short reflections on some biblical images of the Church.


Over the past 40 years or so, the most popular image of the Church has been: the Body of Christ (Rom 12:3-8; 1Cor 12:12-27; Eph 3:6, 5:21-33; Col 1:18, 24). This reminds us that the Church is not merely a social organisation; but an organic community in which we live and serve in relationship with Christ and one another. These relationships must remain central for us if we are to be the Church.


If the Apostle Paul was writing to Aussie Christians rather than Ephesians or Colossians, he might remind us that we are not to `run around like headless chooks’, reacting to our internal impulses or the latest sensation. The Body has a Head. The Church is to seek and follow the mind of Christ and to grow up into him – being shaped by the one who gives us life – becoming increasingly like him, not just individually, but in our life together. In a world disrupted by COVID-19, the Church is still to be directed by Christ.


Though isolated in our homes, we find ourselves immersed in an ocean of information – podcasts, videos, blogs, memes, webinars, breaking news. There’s an endless flow of ideas, facts and fluff that drives us to distraction and confusion – tossed back and forth by waves of fashion; blown here and there by every wind of opinion. In the face of this, let us remember that we are the Body of Christ. Let us give time to prayerfully listen to our Head and follow his lead, responding to the challenges and opportunities before us in ways that reflect and honour Christ.


Paul uses the Body image to remind us that following Christ’s lead is not a solo pursuit – we are in it together. In this time of social isolation, let us remember that through relationship with Christ, we are connected to one another. We belong to one body. The Church is diverse in ethnicity, social status, gender, and so on, yet united in Christ. We have different capacities to contribute, but we are all called to do what we can to love others and honour God.


In these days of isolation, let us keep pursuing ways to connect with one another, including reaching out to those who may be overlooked by others. Let us seek ways to use our God-given capacities to serve one another, sharing the love and truth of Christ. Let us remember and be true to who we are. We are the Body of Christ.


Questions for Personal and Group Reflection

1. What personal and congregational activities do you and your church have in place to foster relationship with God?

2. How does your church seek to discern the mind of Christ together?

3. How are you and your church acting to maintain contact with members of the body during these weeks of physical separation?

4. How does your church help people to discover what they are good at and empower them so that ministry is done by the many rather than the few? What are your gifts and how are you using them during this time?


Rev David Devine

Head of Church Health & Capacity Building


Source: BUV News